Big Stage for Win-Win, New Journey of BRICS

From June 23rd to 25th 2022, Chinese President Xi Jinping hosted the 14th BRICS Summit and the High-level Dialogue on Global Development and made a Keynote Speech at the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum. The “China Moment” of BRICS cooperation yields fruitful results and highlights answers to questions of our times – “Progress or regression?, Openness or isolation?, Cooperation or confrontation?” and brought new impetus to peace and development into the turbulent international situation.

Solidarity for Better Development

The BRICS countries account for 42% of the world’s population and are the backbone of the world’s economic recovery, growth, and improvement of the global governance system. From the formation New Development Bank to fully promote the infrastructure construction of BRICS countries to the establishment of the BRICS Vaccine R&D Center, to the BRICS Initiative on Trade and Investment for Sustainable Development and other achievements to consolidate the ballast stone of economic and trade cooperation, the BRICS countries have always adhered to the BRICS spirit of openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation, and actively promoted global prosperity and development. That demonstrates the “BRICS responsibility” for global development.

In 2021, the bilateral trade volume between China and the BRICS countries reached 490.42 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 39.2%. President Xi Jinping announced at the High-level Dialogue that China would allocate more resources for global development cooperation, upgrade the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund to a Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, increase the capital by 1 billion US dollars on the basis of 3 billion US dollars, and increase input to the UN Peace and Development Trust Fund. Such efforts will further support cooperation under the Global Development Initiative (GDI).

Openness to Expand Cooperation

The “small coterie” cannot solve the complex problems and major challenges facing the world. In the face of rising unilateralism and protectionism, the BRICS countries have strengthened communication and coordination with other emerging markets and developing countries on major international and regional issues and used the “big stage” of win-win cooperation to resist the “small coterie” of Cold War mentality.

In 2017, China proposed the BRICS Plus Cooperation model, which has received active support from all parties. This year, President Xi Jinping once again welcomed like-minded countries to join the BRICS family at an early date. According to XIV BRICS Summit Beijing Declaration, BRICS will further promote its outreach and BRICS Plus Cooperation, and support promoting discussions among BRICS members on the expansion process. The openness and inclusiveness of the BRICS cooperation mechanism will be further improved. At the  High-level Dialogue, leaders of African countries such as Algeria, Egypt, Senegal, and Ethiopia, together with the BRICS and other countries, exchanged in-depth views on accelerating the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and discussed grand plans for development and cooperation.

Innovation to Lead the Way

At these three meetings, President Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of innovation as the primary driving force for development. The current global economic recovery is sluggish, and a new growth driving force must be cultivated. Those who seize the opportunities of the new economy, such as big data and artificial intelligence, are in sync with the pulse of the times. Those who seek to create monopoly, blockade, and barriers in science and technology to disrupt other countries’ innovation and development, are doomed to be condemned by all countries. Discovering the potential for innovation and development, expanding new areas of frontier scientific and technological cooperation, seizing opportunities in the digital economy, and building a high-quality technical talent pool are the highlights of the BRICS “China Year”, i.e. the establishment of the BRICS “Network of Technology Transfer Centers”, “Aerospace Cooperation Mechanism”, “Digital Economy Partnership Framework”, “Alliance for Vocational Education” and many other measures, which will promote the interconnection of the BRICS talent chain, industrial chain, and innovation chain, and create a “BRICS model” for economic transformation and high-quality development.

Activeness in Promoting Governance

As an important cooperation mechanism and platform between emerging market and developing countries, the BRICS countries have worked hand in hand and forged ahead over the past 16 years, becoming a model of mutual respect, fairness and justice, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, playing an indispensable and constructive role in the international arena, and continuously bringing positive energy to promote the global governance system towards a fairer and more equitable direction.

At the summit, President Xi Jinping pointed out that the BRICS countries should operationalize the Global Security Initiative (GSI), practice true multilateralism, safeguard justice, fairness and solidarity and reject hegemony, bullying, and division. Since the beginning of this year, under the coordination of the Chinese side, objective and fair voices and just positions on international and regional hotspots such as the Ukraine issue and the Middle East peace process have been expressed in the BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, Video Meeting of BRICS Coordinators, and Consultations of Deputy Foreign Ministers of BRICS Countries on the Middle East Affairs.

The Trade Ministers’ Meeting endorsed the BRICS Statement on Strengthening the Multilateral Trading System and Reforming the WTO, expressing the determination to safeguard the multilateral trading system and the common interests of developing countries.

BRICS cooperation will not only drive the economic development of the five BRICS countries but will also stimulate South-South cooperation and promote faster and better economic recovery in Africa. The continuously upgraded BRICS mechanism will build a higher-level platform for developing countries, including China and Africa, to participate in the reform of the global governance system. From the “Bandung Spirit” to the “BRICS Spirit”, developing countries have never ceased in their pursuit of independence, self-improvement, unity, and revitalization.

As the rotating presidency of the BRICS, China will work with all parties to deepen the BRICS cooperation, make the pie of cooperation bigger and the force for progress stronger, so as to accelerate the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and jointly create a better future for all humanity.

By Chen Xu Feng, Charge d’ Affaires of Chinese Mission to the African Union