Do you live in the world’s laziest country?

US scientists have amassed "planetary-scale" data from people's smartphones to see how active we really are.…

First vaccine shows gonorrhea protection

A vaccine has for the first time been shown to protect against the sexually transmitted infection…

Contraception fails in quarter of abortions, say experts

One in four women who had an abortion in 2016 were using the most reliable methods…

What the brain’s wiring looks like

The world's most detailed scan of the brain's internal wiring has been produced by scientists at…

Should the long-term ill have free prescriptions?

Prescriptions in England should be free to everyone with a long-term medical condition, the Prescription Charges…

Painless flu jab patch for people scared of injections

A 'painless' sticking plaster flu jab that delivers vaccine into the skin has passed important safety…