Plans drawn up for world’s tallest wooden skyscraper

A Japanese company is planning to build the world's tallest wooden skyscraper, to mark its 350th…

China’s leap forward in Science

Chinese investment is paying off with serious advances in biotech, computing and space. Are they edging…

Supersonic jet set to fly in 3:15 hours from London to New York

It may be possible to fly from London to New York in just three hours and…

Genes remain active after death

Cells continue to function even after an individual dies. That's according to a scientific study published…

Olympics opening ceremony broadcast will feature 1,200 drones

The Olympic rings, a symbol of the games for more than 100 years, will receive a…

Elon Musk’s Falcon Heavy rocket launches successfully

US entrepreneur Elon Musk has launched his new rocket, the Falcon Heavy, from the Kennedy Space…