DPM/FM Demeke Mekonnen Attends SDGs Forum in New York

Addis Ababa, September 18, 2023, (Addis Walta) A delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen took part in a high-level political forum on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in New York, a head of the 78th United Nation General Assembly.

The Heads of the States and Governments attending the forum underscored global challenges such as COVID-19, climate change, and geopolitical standoffs made the implementation of SDGs to fall short of the schedules.

The leaders also underscored the need of implementing Addis Ababa Action Agenda (4A) in its letter and spirit to meet the objectives of SDGs.

Antonio Gutters, UN Secretary General, said in his statement called an inclusive actions benefiting all global society. He said “it is high time to rise to the occasion to create a prosperous and peaceful world where no one will be excluded”.

The Secretary General also pointed out that in order to achieve the SDGs, it is vital to transform outdated and unjustified multinational financial institutions and frameworks, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Ministry of Labor and Skill, Muferiat Kamil, and, Innovation and Technology Minister, Belete Mola (Ph.D.) are taking part in the forum.

The 78th United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) summit commences tomorrow.