Ethio Telecom Reports Net Profit of 21.79 Bln ETB

Addis Ababa, July 10, 2024 (Addis Walta) Ethio Telecom announced annual profit of 21.79 billion Birr, (a 108.7% performance), in 2023/24 fiscal year.

The telecom giant reported that it generated 93.7 billion Birr gross income which is 103.6% of its plan for the year.

By the end of the fiscal year, Ethio Telecom said to have over 78.3 million subscribers of which 75 million of them are voice service users whereas 40.4 million of them are internet users. The biggest telecom service provider said to have paid 29.76 billion Birr income tax.

In addition, the company stated that 124 towns have 4G network services while five towns enjoys 5G services.