Ethiopia Starts Producing the Nutritionally Rich Spirulina

Addis Ababa, June 28, 2024 (Addis Walta) Ethiopia started producing a spirulina, nutritionally rich blue-green algae.

Spirulina is found to be rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants.

Ethiopia inaugurated the first micro algae research and production plant on June 20, 2024 by Bio and emerging Technology Institute after three years research on the issue.

A kilo of spirulina worth 20 thousand Ethiopian Birr at current market price

Spirulina has a high demand in the global market where a quintal of this nutritionally valuable algae worth 2 million Birr.

Ethiopian Rift Valley water bodies are found to be suitable for the growth of the micro algae, spirulina.

This algae specie provides over 90 per cent of nutrients necessary for human which contains 60 per cent of protein, vitamins, fat, minerals and carbohydrates, according to Habite Jebessa (Ph.D.) a researcher at Bio and emerging Technology Institute.

He add that spirulina is different from other products that it does not take years and months to get yield. Once it starts yield, it keeps producing every 24 hours.

The commencement of production of spirulina is so important for sub-Saharan countries which are widely affected by malnutrition, which it could help to ensure food security, Dr. Habite noted.

The new production site, built on 1200 square meter land with 8.2 million Birr capital, is expected to produce 30 kilogram of algae per month.