Ethiopian Embassy to France Conducts Coffee Promotion Webinar

The Ethiopian Embassy to France, in collaboration with the stakeholders, conducted a virtual Ethiopian Coffee Promotion Meeting, yesterday.

State Minister of Foreign Affairs (in charge of the Economic Diplomacy Sector) of Ethiopia, Tsion Teklu highlighted Ethiopia’s historic role as a contributor of the Arabica Coffee to humanity as is true of its place as the cradle of humankind and all of which bestows upon Ethiopia the brand name- the Land of Origins. 

The premium qualities of the Ethiopian coffee, its socioeconomic importance, share of the Ethiopian coffee by destination, the State Minister added.

She also reaffirmed the readiness of the government of Ethiopia and that of the Ethiopian private sector to do their level best to enhance coffee trade between the Ethiopian companies and their counterparts.

Ambassador Henok Teferra for his part underscored the importance of exploring ways by which coffee trade could take place directly between the exporters and the importers, as the bulk of the trade currently takes place through intermediaries.

The need for intensifying the promotion of Ethiopian coffee in the destination markets, Ambassador Henok stated.

Ambassador Henok also assured the participants of the Embassy’s firm commitment to support the business community in their efforts to bolster coffee trade with their counterparts every step of the way.

Over 53 participants who were drawn from the key actors in the coffee sector attended the virtual meeting, according to the Ethiopian Embassy to France.