Irreecha Celebration Kicks off in Addis Ababa


Addis Ababa, October 7, 2023 (Addis Walta) Irreecha, the Thanksgiving festival of the Oromo People, kicks off today in Addis Ababa.

Irreecha, which literally means ‘green and fresh grass’ that symbolizes fertility and flourishing life due to the blessing and guidance of the Creator, Waaqaa.

The colorful celebration attended by millions of Oromo-young and old, men and women- held annually at the end of the month of September or the beginning of October where people travel to water body or mountain which considered sacred for celebration.

The festival is a symbol of transition from darkness and difficulties to light and joy. The rainy season is a difficult time for people as it is a farming which demands hard work in the muddy and cold months. In addition the swollen rivers sweeps cattle, harvest even people. It also separates families and friends. Moreover, during this time, people run out of grains.

Hence Irreecha festival declares the dawn of new season with brighter hope. Swollen rivers subside so that families and friends; the rain wear off and difficult time has gone. The plentiful harvests after the dark and rainy winter season is almost ready.

To express their gratitude to the Creator (Waaqaa), the Oromo people celebrate Irreechaa for the blessings and mercies they have received throughout the previous year, to welcome the New Year and to cherish the plentiful harvest.

This year’s Irreecha festival is celebrated under the theme of “Irreecha is a symbol of unity and fraternity”

Wishing You a Happy Irreeccha