Meeting with Victorious Wartime Generation Takes Place to Mark 71st Anniversary of Victory in Fatherland Liberation War Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Attends Meeting

All the people and service personnel of the DPRK are grandly celebrating July 27, the great war victory recorded in the history of the country with immortal gold letters. They are extending sincere respect and warm congratulations to the defenders of the country in the 1950s, the most heroic generation and indomitable models that brought about the eternal glory of a powerful DPRK.

The legendary feats the victorious wartime generation performed in saving the state, nation and future and honorably defended peace and security of mankind, and laying a solid foundation for building a rich country with strong army, true to the ideology and guidance of the leader, are shining for ever along with their noble name, and the matchless ideological and spiritual strength displayed by the brave fighters of the war serves as an inexhaustible force guaranteeing the steady victory of the cause of Juche.

A meeting with the victorious wartime generation took place in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, on July 27, the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War amid the growing mission of the successors to firmly carry forward the great spirit of defending the country and the tradition of victory.

The participants greeted with enthusiastic applause the war veterans and persons of wartime merits who were entering the venue of the meeting, wearing orders and medals shining with the proud feats of defeating the U.S. imperialists amid the playing of the light melody of the song “July 27, Our Victory Day”.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, was present at the meeting.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un arrived at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium and met with war veterans who had worked for a long time at important posts of the Party, government and military and exchanged warm greetings with them.

When Kim Jong Un appeared on the platform together with war veterans amid the playing of welcome music, all the participants broke into enthusiastic cheers of “Hurrah!”, looking up to Kim Jong Un, the great dignity and strength of our invincible Party and powerful state and the banner of all victories and glory.

Kim Jong Un and war veterans were presented with fragrant bouquets by children.

Waving back to the enthusiastic cheers, Kim Jong Un extended warm congratulations to war veterans and all the civilians and service personnel across the country on the holiday of victory.

Members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and other senior officials of the Party, government and military were present there together with the participants in the celebrations of the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War, officials of the Party Central Committee, service personnel, officials and persons of merits of ministries, national agencies and Pyongyang Municipality, students of revolutionary schools, university students and schoolchildren.

Present there on invitation were diplomatic envoys and missions of foreign countries here.

The national anthem of the DPRK was played.

Ri Il Hwan, member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, made a speech.

Upon authorization of Kim Jong Un and the Party and the government, he warmly congratulated the war veterans, all the civilians and service personnel who greeted the V-Day with precious memories and great pride, and paid high tribute to the heroic soldiers and patriotic martyrs who fell in the sacred war for defending the country.

The participants watched a video showing the feats and fighting spirit of the victorious wartime generation.

When the meeting was over, the enthusiastic cheers resounded through the venue again.

Kim Jong Un wished for long life in good health of all the war veterans, who have lived with struggle and devotion for the prosperity of the beloved country and happiness of the descendants and recorded their wonderful life, and sent warm greetings to all the participants for a long time, hoping that all the participants would cherish the sacred dignity and honor of being citizens of the victor nation and firmly carry forward the soul of the victorious wartime generation.

All the participants were deeply moved to witness the noble world of the revolutionary obligation and   comradely   love  of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un for the war veterans.

The meeting with the victorious wartime generation on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War marked a significant occasion of redoubling the unshakable faith, courage, enthusiasm and fighting spirit of all the civilians and service personnel of the DPRK to firmly carry forward the history and tradition of the sacred victory, glorify them for all ages and achieve without fail the great cause of building a rich country with strong army desired by the victorious wartime generation under the leadership of the great Party Central Committee. -0-