PM Abiy Ahmed Launches Green Legacy Planting at Hayk City

Addis Ababa, June 29, 2024 (Addis Walta) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed launched this year’s Green Legacy planting cycle in Hayk City, in South Wollo of Amhara Region.

He underlined that planting trees is both greening the country and energizing all sectors of the economy.
Prime Minister Abiy also toured the development projects in and around the city of Dessie.

He and high level federal government officials visited the Logo Hayk project-part of dine for the nation project by the prime minister, which aims to make the Wollo and surrounding areas a tourist destination.

Oh his social media PM Abiy noted “during our visit, we observed many impressive works being carried out everywhere. There is no doubt that if we work together, we will hand over a prosperous Ethiopia to our children”.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh arrived in Dessie this morning.