PM Abiy says Ethiopia’s Foreign Debt is Decreasing

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

Addis Ababa, November 14, 2023(Addis Walta) – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Ph.D.) has announced that the foreign debt of Ethiopia is decreasing.

The Prime Minister attended the 4th regular meeting of the 3rd year of the House of Representatives and explained and responded to the questions from the members of the house.

He said that ‘we are paying a debt that was not known to the public the previous government spent on as if it were a political debt’. He also pointed out that currently there are some changes.

According to his statement, the country’s foreign debt, which was over 20 percent, has been reduced to 14.8 percent through various measures taken in the last five years.

He noted that this figure would drop below 10% in the next few years.

In the agricultural sector, Ethiopia achieved outstanding results the Prime Minister noted, saying that last year having covered over 20 million hectares of land with crops and harvested 600 million quintals.

By increasing the farmland by 2 million hectares in the current fiscal year, efforts are being made to achieve a harvest of 800 million quintals, the Premier added.

He emphasized that the work accomplished thus far indicates the feasibility of the plan and urged everyone to work together to sustain the positive progress we have made in the agricultural sector.