Significance of Inauguration of Central Cadres Training School of WPK

The inauguration ceremony of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers’ Party of Korea was held in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on May 21.

When he gave a commemorative lecture during his visit to the school in October 2022, General Secretary Kim Jong Un referred to the decision of the Party Central Committee to make the school a university above all the universities and with it as its parent body, dynamically push forward with the work for enhancing the educational level and role of the Party cadre-training institutions at all levels.

The school was completed in a little over a year after its groundbreaking.

Covering a total floor space of over 133 000 square metres, the school has administration section, cultural and sports section, living section and others laid out in a modern and practical way to suit their missions, functions and purposes, and they are equipped with an advanced educational system and a high level of educational conditions and environment.

Then, what is the significance of its inauguration?

It is to make the WPK grow stronger with the event as a new starting point and write a proud chapter of history of making another great turn in the destiny of the country and people.

To turn the school, a pedigree establishment for training Party cadres in the DPRK, into a world-class school is not merely an undertaking of sprucing up the appearance of an educational institution.

The history of the school spanning nearly 80 years, when it has supported the glorious ruling history of the WPK, teaches the truth that the historic cause of succession begins and comes to accomplishment at the pedigree establishment for educating and training reserve Party cadres and that the top priority in aspiring to and designing the bright future of the Party and the revolution should be given to the efforts to build up an excellent base for training Party cadres.

This is thought to be the WPK’s strategic view of value.

The core of the idea of Party building in the DPRK is to guarantee the lasting prosperity of the WPK by carrying forward the ideals and spirit of the Party founding pure and clean.

From the very beginning, the WPK made clear the justification for its existence as the Party that was formed and is struggling for the people.

As it has consistently embodied in its building and activities the principles of the Juche idea—the popular masses are the masters of the revolution and construction and they are also the motive force of the revolution and construction, the unconditional service for the people has been entrenched as the unique Party climate. It has prioritized and absolutized the people’s opinions, demands, interests and convenience in formulating and implementing all policies.

It has become a main climate of the Party for its officials to get closer to the people when they are in hard time, and the brisk projects for providing the people with a stable and highly-civilized life are worked out and realized.

That’s why Kim Jong Un underlined the need to bear in mind that the development of the WPK hinges on the role of the school and that all the undertakings for strengthening the Party and the eternal future of Party building depend on every step it takes forward, and stated that it was important in ensuring the durable existence and successful development of the WPK to carry forward, purely, thoroughly and perfectly, the ideals and spirit handed down by the generation that pioneered the cause of Party building.

It is crystal clear that the inauguration of the school will be recorded in history as a new step forward towards the eternal prosperity of the WPK, and as a new birth of a powerful strategic base guaranteeing the brilliant inheritance and victory of the noble ideals and sacred cause of Party building.