Addis Ababa to host 2017 World Hydropower Congress

Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, will host the 2017 World Hydropower Congress on 9 – 11 May 2017, the International Hydropower Association announced.

The 2017 World Hydropower Congress will bring together leaders and specialists to set the course for hydropower’s contribution to future energy and water systems. How to do ‘better hydro’ in a changing world will be a central theme.

It will also explore a diversity of perspectives and will examine how initiatives of governments, businesses, finance, civil society and academia can advance sustainable development.

Hydropower, currently providing 70 percent of the world’s renewable electricity and supplying more than a billion people across 152 countries, mitigates climate change by offsetting greenhouse-gas emissions and the use of fossil fuel, equivalent to six billion barrels of oil per year.  

With the right policies and design, hydropower’s operational flexibility and energy storage capability can also support the rapid progress of other renewable.

In addition to that by managing freshwater, hydropower can provide adaptation services by reducing the downstream impacts of flood and drought. (ENA)