Agency says Ethiopia harvests 290mln quintals of produce from Meher


The Central Statistics Agency (CSA) announced that Ethiopia harvested over 290mln quintals of produce in Meher production season.

Agency’s Statistics Study and Enumeration department deputy director Amare Legesse told a press conference that the country harvested 290 mln quintals of produce from 12 million hectares covered by small holder farmers.

He said the harvest is from cereals, pulses and oilseeds and vegies.

According to him, the harvest has increased by 8 percent compared from same period last year in main crops.

He said that especially the production of food crops and cereals increased by 9.75 percent. The country has planned to harvest 310mln people.

According to him, the harvest report excludes harvests from vast commercial farms, small holder farmers and Belge season production.  

The country  harvests its 80-90 percent per cent of production during Meher season.

(Translated by  Tesfa Mogessie)