Ethiopia Lifts 5.3m People out of Poverty over 5 years

 Ethiopia has managed to lift about 5.3 million people out of the poverty over the past five years, according to an Interim Report on 2015/16 Poverty Analysis Study.

The report which was launched today indicated that the East African nation has made tremendous progress towards eradicating poverty between 2010/11and 2015/16.

It also indicated that the national poverty incidence has declined markedly over the recent years, in which the national headcount poverty rate fell to 23.5 percent in 2015/16 from 29.6 percent in 2010/11.

The number of poor people has also declined to 21.8 million from 25.1 million, while the population has increased from 84 million to 93 million during the reported period.

Deputy Commissioner of Plan Commission, Getachew Adem said both rural and urban areas witnessed a decline in food poverty in the stated period. 

In spite of the recent El-Nino driven drought that drastically hit many parts of the country, regional food poverty declined in all regional states except in Harari, which remains almost unchanged.

Wide-ranging and multifaceted pro-poor programs that have been implemented in rural and urban areas like intensification of agriculture, infrastructure development, and food security, among others have contributed in poverty reduction, he said.

Modernizing agriculture and expanding industrial development that could create more job and diversification of exports is critical in poverty reduction, he added.

The efforts that have been exerted in agriculture towards ensuring food security coupled with those in other socio-economic sectors have helped Ethiopia meet most of MDGs, Getachew noted.

According to the report, efforts of the government to create favorable environment for private sector investment, job creations, and distribution of subsidized food items to urban poor also contributed to poverty reduction.

Representative of the Development Assistance Group (DAG), Andrea Ghione said Ethiopia has taken significant steps in ensuring strong economic growth and robust progress in the provision of social services.

He said a report such as the poverty analysis report being launched today stands out among the factors that are helping to drive these advancements. 

“The report will be an important anchor for programs that are targeting funding for poverty reduction where it is needed most – to the poorest and the most vulnerable. More importantly it will allow for appropriate policy alignment at all levels,” he indicated.

Furthermore he stated that development partners remain committed to partnering with Ethiopia to build on the achievements of GTP-II.

The report has prepared by the National Plan Commission with the financial and technical support from DAG and the UNDP. (ENA)