Plan Commission presents GTP implementation report

The National Planing Commission today presented the implementation of the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTPII), which is now three years since inception.

The GTP, the country’s five year economic plan has list of grand projects and time tabe that will going to be realized in the effort bring economic transformnation.

Thogh there was a plan that the county’s ecomomy will grow by 11 percent, the country manged only to grow by 8.6 percent over the last three consecutive years.

According to lan Commissioner, FisuM Asefa, the drop in the economic growth from the target set are among others, political instability, drought and effect of global economic crisis.

She said that all sectors are demanded to their respective responsibility put forward by the ongoing refom so that better economic development will be made.

Officlas and experts of the macro ecomony attended the discussion.