Tacking export market barriers key for boosting sector-forum

A consultative meeting organized by the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) to remove export market barriers was held today.

During the meeting, leather and textile exporting companies raised the bottleneck problems in the export sector, which include shortage of foreign currency, access to finance and complex banking service delivery.

Decrease in prices of leather goods at the global market was raised as one of the challenges threatening leather exporting companies. Textile exporting companies for their part raised problems of raw materials supply.

Responding to the questions, representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture pledged to meet the demand of the companies for raw materials. They also called on financial institutions to make available loan.

Representatives from Ministry of Trade and Industry for their part said the problems raised by the companies would serve as an input to find solution.

The further promised to work closely and in partnership with relevant bodies to find solution for the problems liked to shortage of foreign exchange.

Bacha Gina, President of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, the bank will attach due attention towards resolving problems associated with shortage of forex, loan and banking service delivery.