President Sahlework, Chief Administrator of Amhara Region plant seedlings in Gondar

President Sahlework Zewde and Chief Administrator of the Amhara Regional State, Temesgen Tiruneh, have taken part in the national the campaign by planting seedlings in North Gondar.

The plantation has started early in the morning in different areas of Amhara region.

The North Wollo Zone has reported that it has already submitted more than 11.12 million seedlings to be planted today. About 280 thousand people have participated in the Zone’s seedling plantation mobilization.

More than 245 thousand people also have planted seedlings in Awi Zone of the Region. The Zone has indicated that it has prepared more than 8 million seedlings as part of the national plan to plant more than 200 million seedlings today only.

Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen has also planted seedlings in North Shewa Zone together with zonal administrative officials.

Ministers and other Regional higher officials are also participating in different parts of the region.