Ethiopia expresses sympathy for life loss, injury in Gaza; reaffirms its position on Jerusalem

Speaking at an emergency session on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, held by the Security Council, Ambassador Tekeda Alemu, Ethiopia’s Ambassador to UN, expressed Ethiopia’s our deepest sorrow and sympathy on the loss of lives and wished a speedy recovery for those injured, according to the information obtained from the website of the Ministry of Foriegn Affairs Office of Ethiopia.

“I would like to echo what the Secretary- General said yesterday through his spokesperson: “Israel security forces must exercise maximum restraint in the use of live fire,” he remarked.

We are also having this meeting against the backdrop of an ongoing discontent from Palestinians and the region over the latest development surrounding the issue of the City of Jerusalem, he noted. Of course, we have expressed our position on this issue unequivocally and this is in line with the African Union position which Chairperson Moussa Faki reiterated yesterday, Tekeda reminded.

​“We believe the Jerusalem issue is a final status issue that must be resolved through direct negotiations between the two parties on the basis of the relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions taking into account the legitimate concerns of both the Palestinian and Israeli sides,” he reiterated.