Government congratulates Eritrea on lifting of sanctions

 Ethiopia congratulated the people and government of Eritrea today on the lifting of the sanctions imposed on the country.

The UN Security Council lifted the sanctions unanimously after countries in the Horn of Africa have opened a historic new chapter of normalizing their relations.

According to a statement issued by Office of the Prime Minister, Ethiopia also thanked the Security Council for responding to its call to lift the sanctions imposed on Eritrea.

It further congratulated member states of IGAD on their cooperation and contribution to the lifting of the sanctions as well as the progressive changes that are occurring in the region.

The lifting of the sanctions will have far-reaching effects in improving the stability of the Horn of Africa region and in building a lasting peace and normalization of relations among the countries in the region, the statement added.

The government of Ethiopia further reiterated its commitment to ensuring regional peace, development, and cooperation working hand-in-hand with Eritrea and other neighboring nations.

The lifting of the sanctions is a significant step towards deepening the economic, social, and cultural ties the sisterly nations of Ethiopia and Eritrea enjoy.

The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a British-drafted resolution lifting the arms embargo, all travels bans, asset freezes and targeted sanctions against Eritrea.