Ensuring rule of law shall remain a priority: Lemma Megersa

Chefe Oromia (the Oromia Council) has begun its 9th regular session today in Adama city with a particular focus on reviewing the six-month performances of the regional state.

In his performance report, Lemma Megersa, Chief Administrator of the regional state, said wide-ranging efforts were carried out to build peace, bring stability, ensure respect for rule of law, sustain nationwide reform and neutralize efforts of rent seekers and anti reformist groups.

Lemma, who presented detailed reports about the attempts made by antireform groups to make the regional state a war zone by instigating conflicts, said that ensuring respect for rule of law will remain high in the agenda of the region.

The Chief Administrator also spoke about the works undertaken to maintain the sustainability of the economic revolution, particularly in improving agricultural productivity, building infrastructure, and creating employment opportunities.

According to him, the regional state harvested 180.7 million quintals of crops in 2018 production season. It also supplied 54,000 tons of coffee to the central market. More than 687,000 tons of coffee is also expected to be collected from 17 zones.

He further said safe drinking water coverage has increased to 64.5% during the past six months from 63.8% last June. A total of 317-km gravel roads were built in addition to repairing 1,415-km roads. About 355, 900 jobs were also created in the reported period.

He said 9.6 million students are currently pursuing education in 16, 234 schools. About 242 woredas (districts) and 5 cities/towns have also gained access to health insurance coverage. The regional state also collected 9.5 billion birr in revenue from tax, surpassing the revenue target and achieving a 102.7 % performance.