PM expresses commitment to support Somali regional state

Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed said the federal government would provide all needed support to the Somali regional state.

The Prime Minister made the remark today at the closing ceremony of 10th regular session of Somali Democracy Party (SDP), which was held over the past three days.

At the end of the meeting, SDP elected Ahmed Shide and Mustefa Omer as Chairperson and deputy, respectively. The party also elected a nine-member Executive Committee.

In his remark, the Prime Minister said expanding irrigation and reducing unemployment as well as fighting against illegal trade, political sabotage and contraband trade should be the assignment of the leadership and the residents.

He stated that the Federal Government would offer support for all efforts of the region.

The Prime Minister also thanked elders for finding solution for the problems happened last year between the Somali and Oromia regional states.

A new wind of peace blowing in the region after the reform is a great success for both the regional state and the country, the Prime Minister noted.(FBC)