Over 1.2 bln birr raised for Sheger Project

  Some 1.275 billion Birr has so far has been raised from companies that are going to dine with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed tomorrow for the Sheger project.

Eighteen companies have completed payment for the event, according to the Office of the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed will host a fundraising dinner tomorrow at a cost of 5 million Birr per plate.

The money raised from the dinner dubbed as “Dine for Sheger”, will be used to fund the riverside project that aimed to beautify the capital Addis Ababa.

Prime Minister Abiy has launched a project that aimed at making the city’s riverside greener and cleaner covering an area of 56 km.

The three-year project has estimated to cost 29 billion Birr. Of the total 56 km that the project covers, the Chinese government has pledged to develop 12kms.

Over 255 individuals and institutions have registered to attend the dinner, that will be hosted at the 132 years old Minilik Palace.