Fundamental question of states shall go in tandem with national unity- Scholars

The fundamental questions of states, which have been raised in different parts of the country, shall go alongside with keeping rules and regulations, and national unity of country.

Addis Ababa University and National Electoral Board organized a discussion forum that was centering on questions of statehood and legal procedures.

Scholars have presented papers in which international experiences on how states created were discussed.

 It was discussed; whenever the question of statehood rose, commission will be set up, and constitution will be amended so that the question will be addressed as international experience shown.

The participants said that the question of being a state shall not decide unilaterally, but it should be participatory.

The scholars said that there are articles in the constitution that should be amended to address the question of statehood.

It was discussed that article 47 sub-articles 3 of the constitution, which stipulated “Nations and Nationalities can be states anytime they want” has a gap in implementation.

The preparation of National Electoral Board and national census should be conducted before arranging a referendum of statehood.