Irrecha Peace, Unity Forum Held in Addis Ababa

Peace and unity forum organized in connection with the upcoming Irrecha celebrations was held in Addis Ababa today under the motto, Irrecha: The symbol of Peace and Unity.

Speaking at the forum, Culture and Tourism Minister Hirut Kassaw noted that “we must preserve and pass on the cultures of all nations, nationalities and peoples of the country to generations.”

Ethiopia has rich cultural heritages, including the Irrecha festival which is a symbol of unity, peace and harmony.

“Our forefathers have passed to us diverse cultures that should now be promoted and protected,” she stressed.

According to Hirut, the celebration of Irrecha festival in the capital city would play decisive role in strengthening people-to-people relations, tourism development, and the appreciation of   cultures.

Deputy Administrator  of Oromia Regional State, Shimelis Abdisa said Irrecha, which signifies unity, love, peace and coexistence, should be celebrated beyond the Oromo community.

The issues addressed at this forum will be further elaborated, published, and made available to the public, he added.

Papers that focus on Irrecha were presented at the day-long forum which attracted Aba Gedas, scholars and government officials.

This year Irrechaa (Thanksgiving) festival of the Oromo, will be celebrated in Addis Ababa  and Bishoftu this Saturday and Sunday, respectively.