Mass sport event takes place at Mesqel Square  

A sporting event that attracted many people took place at Meskel Square, in Addis Ababa today.

The event was launched by Federal Police Commission Commissioner Endashaw Tassew, Addis Ababa City Administration Deputy Mayor, Takele Umma, Ethiopian Olympic Committee President Dr. Ashebir Woldegiorgis, and Sport Commission Commissioner Ristu Yirdaw.

Commissioner Endashaw said that this event should be made on daily basis, not on weekly or monthly basis.

The mass sport should be expanded to cities across the country, Dr. Ashebir added.

Deputy Mayor, Takele also said that aprt from expanding the mass sport trend, the city is building sport fields in 116 districts in which 60 of them are finalized so far.

Commissioner Ristu on his part said that the mass sport will help to create common national agenda and promote peace in the country.