Finance State Minister Urges Professional Associations to Contribute to Economic Policy, Dialogue

Ministry of Finance has called on scholars and professional associations to play their role in the economic policy arena through rigorous research and policy dialogue. 

Speaking to reporters after opening a three-day Conference on the Ethiopian Economy that kicked off today, Finance State Minister Eyob Tekalign said the country’s economic policy needs to be supported by research and capacity building.

“Scholars and professional associations like the Ethiopian Economic Association have to contribute to policy formulation and implementation process,” he added.

The state minister noted that deeper understanding of the complex economic challenges facing the Ethiopian economy is crucial.

He said the Ethiopian Economics Association can, for instance, contribute to human resources development through short and long-term training.

According to him, the government is determined to assist scholars and professional associations.

Eyob noted: “We will provide policy and administrative support for the development of independent and vibrant professional associations that generate ideas and perform policy oriented analysis, furthering dialogue in the context of the socio-economic problems of the country.”

Ethiopian Economics Association President, Tadele Ferede said on his part the economy faces multiple and reinforced structural imbalances, including mounting external debt, soaring unemployment, narrow export base, and skill mismatch among others.

These challenges need to be addressed through root-cause analysis, evidence-based policy making and proactive economic management, he pointed out.

Tadele noted that the reform has to be informed by solid and rigorous researches and policy dialogue.

With over 5,000 registered members, Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) has been conducting large-scale research projects and producing various publications on Ethiopian economy, it was learned./ENA news