A peacemaker Policy

    The FDRE government was able to successfully mobilize a popular movement that will enable it to execute a Foreign Affairs and National Security Policy and strategy that focuses on realizing a democratic order setup and rapid economic growth that benefits the people step-by-step.

As the previous policies had a ‘siege’ (‘we are surrounded’) mentality that forced the previous governments to a spectator role (with regards to Foreign Affairs) we have seen their foreign policies creating a negative impact on our country’s security by increasing our vulnerability and internal problems.  

It’s by knowing the limitation and deficiencies of the previous governments’ policies that the new incumbent Ethiopian government focused on a Foreign Affairs and National Security policy that gives attention to internal problems that are essential to our country’s security.

As the government of our country puts a huge effort and works tirelessly towards our country’s peace and development, it also has the same intention with regards to the region’s countries peace and development mutual development is the governments’ primary choice. This is because our government has a committed belief that peace and development of neighboring has a positive impact on our own country and vice-versa.  

The rapid economic and social development and the good governance and democratic order still under construction are bent on guaranteeing our country’s security; and it cannot be argued the positive impact it’s exerting towards bringing peace to our country and the region as a whole. In addition to this, the government has been able to record positive results on securing national and regional peace.

Ethiopia’s peace can only be sustained by winning the fight against poverty and backwardness. And the fight against poverty and backwardness can only be won by eradicating our vulnerability. Notwithstanding these facts, if crisis and havoc that erupts on our neighbors are not resolved peacefully, the heat will burn us too. As it is known, a problem that occurs in a certain area or place will inevitably spread to other places like a wildfire; it will not be left confined to one area. So, following a path that takes into account not only ours but the surrounding peoples’ interest as well is important. For this end, our government has been making big efforts and is playing its own role in bringing peace to the area.

As a consequence to this fact, we can see the strong trust both the Sudan and south Sudan have on the Ethiopian government which played a large role in peacefully resolving the heinous crisis that erupted between the two. And this is a huge victory of our country. The fact that both parties made Ethiopia as their only choice for the peace keeping mission as an Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), speaks to this truth.

I believe Ethiopia has garnered enough belief among many of its capability when we take into account the fact that the UN approved the mission where only Ethiopia is the sole troopcontributor. Although some countries with their own agenda have downplayed this fact, but the fact of the matter is both the Sudan and South Sudan governments did not accept any other peace keeping nation (other than Ethiopia).

And this episode has created a situation where both parties have signaled to the international community that they have an understanding and conviction on our country’s commitment to mutual benefit and adhered policy of peaceful co-existence. Our government’s effort of creating a relationship with our neighbor countries based on mutual benefit did not stop with this alone. It’s working with huge attention on the activities to bring long-last peace in the horn of Africa, believing it’s the only option to sustainability of our country’s rapid economic development.

Keeping this in mind, our government had been doing a great deal of work to bring peace to the civil war ravaged Sudan, and (now) to the south Sudan which is losing its peace. After fighting under one political party for years to bring freedom and equality to their people, “SPLM” is heading once again to civil war inflicting heavy human and material loss. According to recent information, this recent conflict has taken the lives of more than thousands of people, and forced in the region of hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes.

Although the International Community has given attention to this brewing crisis in South Sudan, it would be not an exaggeration to claim none has made an effort as much as the FDRE government and IGAD . As we all can understand, the first in line to suffer from this crisis that’s happening in the world’s youngest nation south Sudan is its own citizens, as we all can see from the reports that’s coming out on the conflict. However, the crisis will inevitably spill over the surrounding countries. This is part of the reason why IGAD and the FDRE government took the initiative to engage, and showed the commitment to resolve the conflict that’s brewing in south Sudan.

 I have mentioned severally in this article the fact that our country’s effort to bring peace in the area stems from its Foreign Affairs and National Security Policy. And this peace loving effort has paved the way for both parties to come to peaceful negotiation.

Both the South Sudan government and the oppositions have responded positively to our country’s and IGAD’s call for peace by sending their representatives to Addis Ababa (for peace talks). Although the peace talk has not come to fruit yet, many believe that it’s a step in the right direction.

As it’s known this crisis not only poses a grave danger on South Sudanese people, but its negative impact on our country and the surrounding cannot be stressed enough. For one, the number of south Sudan citizens who fled their country to take shelter in neighboring countries is huge. All in all, I believe the FDRE government and , which is playing its own role in bringing peace to the region, will record a positive outcome in its effort to resolve the South Sudan crisis.

This has to do with its strong believe in the positive impact the development and peace of the region has on our own country’s economic development. I would like to end this article by stating my hope to see the peace sign doves flying in the skies of South Sudan and wishing harmony and tranquility to be up on our South Sudanese brother and sisters.