Terrorist TPLF Loots, Vandalizes 238 Branches of CBE

The group had destroyed and looted several public and private properties during its invasion of Amhara and Afar regions with an objective to dismantle Ethiopia.

The terrorist TPLF had also deliberately ruined public service providing facilities, infrastructures, industries, private companies, as well as private residential in all areas it occupied by invasion.

The Ethiopian Commercial Bank (CBE), the biggest financial institution in Ethiopia, has been one of the victims of the destructive acts of the terrorist group.

Speaking to ENA, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia CEO, Abie Sano said that the terrorist TPLF group looted and destroyed its 238 branches located in the northern districts.

According to the CEO, the bank has encountered various levels of damages on its branches located in areas that were invaded by the terrorist TPLF.

He further stated that detailed investigations are underway by a group of team to find out the overall damages caused by the group.

Based on the findings of the investigation the necessary measures will be taken in order to resume services in the areas liberated from the terrorist group, the CEO added.

“The damage is extremely high. There is no minor damage everywhere. The group had destroyed several properties of the bank including ATM machines. It had looted money, computers, network cables, generators among other things.”

He indicated that out of the 238 branches, services have been resumed in the 12 branches so far.

The bank is also working to resume services in 30 more branches in the coming six days, the CEO noted.

The exiting situation of the 61 branches in Mekelle and 59 branches in Shire of Tigray region is still unknown, he added.