RT Reveals some Western Media Lies about Ethiopia’s Conflict

RT reports some western media lies about Ethiopia’s conflict
RT reports some western media lies about Ethiopia’s conflict

Addis Ababa, December 26, 2021 (Walta) – RT disclosed that some western media is willfully and deliberately chosen misinforming the audience regarding Ethiopia’s conflict against Ethiopia but it is unfortunate because during war time more than ever credible reporting is urgent. This is what Ethiopian government clearly stated about mainstream media.

The report indicated that once to sell falsity, the real facts becoming boring but the mainstream press have taking with one voice suggesting a coordinated effort behind the seems adding not only the media, NGOs, the right groups like Amnesty and human right watch collect this assemble report and feed the congressmen and EU to impose sanction on Ethiopia.
The terrorist Tigray People Liberation Front(TPLF) has been involved in official war trying to overthrow officially and democratically elected government of Ethiopia but mainstream western media instead of remaining neutral they have chosen to take side. In Ethiopia as well as abroad the CNN has covered the conflict over the past year in highly biased and detached way form context.
CNN has in fade has much well. The channel continues to spread false information against
Ethiopian and their legitimate government. When the terrorist TPLF marching to Addis Ababa, TPLF stands far from the capital but the CNN reported that the capital is under siege by the terrorist TPLF which is completely fake news and they used fake picture, RT revealed.

RT (formerly Russia Today) is a Russian international television network free-to-air channels directed to audiences outside of Russia, as well as providing Internet content in English, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, and Russian, it was noted.