CCECC Signs Investment Agreement with IPDC

Addis Ababa, August 9,  2023 (Addis Walta)  China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) has signed an investment agreement today with Ethiopian Industrial Park Development Corporation (IPDC) to engage in coffee processing at Jimma Industrial Park.


Daniel Teresa, Deputy Commissioner of Investment Commission, and Shiferaw Solomon, Deputy CEO of IPDC jointly signed the agreement with CCECC company representatives.


The IPDC announced that the company is agreed to process the widely available coffee in Jimma and its vicinity at Jimma Industrial Park, particularly built for the agro-processing sector.

Following the signing ceremony, Chinese ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassador Zhao Xuan, Commissioner Lelise Nemi, and IPDC Deputy CEO, Aklilu Tadesse, planted seedlings as part of the Green Legacy program at the Industrial Park.