Ethiopia Closely Following the Repeated Provocative Statement by the Government of Somalia –MFA of Ethiopia

Press Release by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, July 26, 2024 (Addis Walta) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia stated that it is closely following the repeated provocative statement by the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

The Government of Ethiopia, in the statement, expressed its discontent “by the unwarranted and irresponsible statement made by senior officials of the Federal Government of Somalia on various occasions attempting to deny the critical role of Ethiopia in helping to rebound the state of Somalia.”

Ethiopia called all the accusations by the Government of Somalia as “baseless” despite the fact that Ethiopia “has been sacrificing in the service of peace and stability of the brotherly people of Somalia for more than three decades.”

Ethiopia reiterated that it preferred a peaceful and positive engagement for the common good of the two peoples, the statement reads.

In the statement Ethiopia expressed its deep concerns about the proliferation of trafficking of small arms and light weapons and improvised explosive devices in the region due to conflicts, unchecked coastal lines, and unsecured borders that coordinated efforts by countries in the region are urgently needed.

Ethiopia assured its steadfast commitment to fighting terrorism and the proliferation of illegal arms in the region, and to “stand on the side of brotherly people of Somalia to fulfill their aspiration for sustainable peace, stability, economic development and regional cooperation”.