Technology Backed Livestock Development Initiative Project to Begin in Oromia

 Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Oromia State and Metu University have signed a memorandum of understanding to begin technology-based livestock development initiative project in the regional state today. 

The present project site is based in Buno Bedele and covers Jimma and Wollega zones of Oromia. It will expanded to other western parts of Ethiopia like Benishangul-Gumz, Gambella and Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples states.

Oromia Rural Development Sector Head, Girma Amente said the level of productivity of animal products like meat and milk is low due to lack of technology.  

Therefore, the project will focus on genetic improvement of animals, alleviation of animal feed supply and creation of linkage between industry and animal products in order to improve  low livestock productivity, he added.

Metu University President, Tekalign Qejela said the project will enhance livestock productivity in the region through genetic selection, quality forage production, cattle shed and better handling, cross breeding and improving animal health facilities.

Innovation and Technology Minister Getahu Mekuria said the West Ethiopia Initiative for Livestock Development Project is aimed at transforming the livestock sector with technology.

Ethiopia stands first in Africa for its livestock resource, but the sector has not been supported by technology to be more productive. Hence, the project would help to fill the technological gaps of the livestock sector, the minister added.

The 10-year project will mainly focus on dairy, beef, poultry development in West Ethiopia.

The budget of West Ethiopia Initiative for Livestock Development Project is estimated at one billion birr , it was stated.