Good Governance Mobilization Forum Opens

Addis Ababa, 3 December 2015 (WIC) – The government has started mobilization against bad governance and rent seeking activities.


Investors, representatives of civic societies and religious institutions as well as prominent figures, including senior government officials attended the discussion forum aimed at launching the 2015/16 mobilization for good governance.


Investors, representatives of civic societies and organizations as well as prominent figures, including high level government officials are attending the forum.


The discussion mainly focused on problems of good governance and possible solutions.


Opening the forum, Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn said conducive situations should be created to allow the public contribute its share in the drive to tackle good governance problems and rent seeking at all levels.


According to EH, Public Service and Human Resource Development Minister and Good Governance and Reform Cluster Coordinator with the Rank of Deputy Prime Minister Aster Mamo for her part said that the mobilization forum was launched at a time in which ensuring good governance become and decisive national agenda and GTP II implementation on set.


“Despite the various activities carried out to ensure good governance and equitable public benefit, the journey we covered to realize is not comparable to the one made to bring about development thereby putting its negative influence on our effort to introduce developmental political economy,” she added.