UN climate change conference kicks off in Paris

Addis Ababa, 01 December, 2015(WIC) – The 21st United Nations conference on the globally haunting climate change has commenced in Paris.

France, who recently faced a terrifying terror attack, has expressed its readiness to host the conference prior to the kick off.

Leaders from 147 countries, including Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, are expected to make a heated debate on many contentious issues.

France and India are expected to make options that can enable countries in the tropics generate power from solar energy official at this conference.

What is more, surveys and researches made on about 180 countries are expected to be presented to the summit.

The researches made in this countries show that the global temperature is expected to soar by 3 degree centigrade in the coming years and this shall be a headache for the industrialized world.

The conference is expected to mainly focus on minimizing carbon emission to the atmosphere and on ways of controlling the globally soaring temperature.

An option to expand use of renewable energy and funding such initiatives and practices of such schemes is to be expected to be the focus of the conference attendants.

Even if the conference is hoped to make better decisions as compared to the prior ones, developing nations are expressing their suspicion that it may not bring tangible changes on the way forward.

The developing world is being severely affected by the effect of ever increasing global temperature and warming, 1.5 degree centigrade on average per annum.

The 48 developing countries are also expressing their concern that they may be compelled to accept an agreement that may not fulfill their needs and not representative of their will. They are warning that their economic development, food security and living situation of the people at large shall be in question if the problems from climate change are continue unabated.

The conference is overshadowed by differences on various contentious issues and the participants are to be faced with a huge task of narrowing these gaps in the coming couple of weeks of their stay in Paris.

The conference is expected to clearly set the share of every country’s share in the global carbon emission to the atmosphere.

While France was preparing to host the meeting, its citizens requested for the passing of tangible decisions that can bring clear outcomes during this meeting in their capital (FBC).