SNNPR Council perseveres to address woes of represented people-Speaker

The South Nations, Nationalities and People’s Regional State (SNNPR) said that it has been making various efforts to address concerns of the people it has represented during the last nine months.

Speaker of the state council, Hiwot Hailu, noted that the discussion forum held to address concerns raised by the public at large and ways to address them in collaboration with stakeholders has been given due emphasis.

Public relations tasks undertaken to introduce the activities of the council have partially achieved their goals and have helped to address various issues.

The region’s performance during the last nine months in terms of achieving the set goals and regulations by participation of the public at large has achieved tangible results, she noted.

The forum has contributed its share in terms of providing inputs helpful to tailor future strategies that can better address democratic and governance matters, she underscored.

The regional council has undertaken activities to address complaints, discussions with various sections of the society, support and follow up to various sectors, and capacity building training to various bodies during the stated period.

The council also indicated that it has undertaken various tasks to enable women via different capacity building schemes ensure their safety and benefits.

Participants of the discussion forum have raised various questions and forwarded different suggestions that needs due emphasis in the remaining period of the budget year.