Road map aims integrated respect for human rights-GCAO

The Government Communication Affairs Office (GCAO) has indicated that the recently unveiled human rights road map is aimed at ensuring the respect of human rights in an integrated manner.

The office noted that the road map specifically is targeted on ensuring civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the people.

According to the weekly statement of the Office, the road map is prepared with the participation of stakeholders.

It is hoped to integrate the effort to respect human rights in an integrated manner by the media, civic society, social unions and international organizations engaged in the sector despite individual efforts that have been made in the past.

The road map is hoped to further foster peace, sustainable development and deep rooted democratic culture.

It creates more space for the effort to ensure human rights in various ways.

The statement urged participation of all stakeholders to ensure successful performance of the second human rights roadmap as part of the government’s zeal for deep reform.