Water Ministers draft guideline for consultants

Water Ministers of Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan have drafted a guideline that would guide the activities of the two consulting firms that will conduct impact analysis.

 “We have drafted the guideline on the pending issues basically on how to forward the implementation of the consultants”, Minister of Water, Irrigation and Electricity, of Ethiopia, Seleshi Bekele said.

 The two French consultancy firms – BRL and Artelia – were selected to undertake the recommended studies on the possible impacts of the dam.

 The countries selected the firms to undertake the studies following the “Declaration of Principles” signed by leaders of the three countries in 2015 in Khartoum, Sudan.

 Seleshi said “In today’s deliberation we had certain issues that were pending and which needed the attention of the Ministers”.

 According to him, the guidelines are to be finalized in the near future by reconvening at one particular spot where the date and time to be determined very soon.

 Water Ministers of the three countries have endorsed the draft guideline at the Technical National Committees (TNC) ministerial meeting held in Addis Ababa on Wednesday. (ENA)