Ethiopia commemorates 123rd anniversary of Adwa Victory colorfully

The 123rd anniversary of Ethiopia’s victory of Adwa is being celebrated in Tigray regional state at Adwa, a place where the Italy force was defeated by the Ethiopian army.

Senior government officials, including President Sahle-Work Zewde, Chief Administrator of Tigray regional state, Dr Debretsion Geberemichael, Speaker of the House of Federation, Mrs Keria Ibrahim and Minister of Culture, Dr Hirut Kassaw are in attendance of the event.

The day was also celebrated in the capital Addis Ababa early this morning in the presence of Deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa city, Engineer Takele Uma, Ethiopian patriots, senior government officials, Addis dwellers, and invited guests.

Engineer Takele on the occasion said that the victory of Adwa is the result of the “ultimate sacrifice paid by all Ethiopians for all black people.”

The Battle of Adwa was fought on 1 March 1896 between Ethiopia and Italy near the town of Adwa.

Ethiopians under the command of Emperor Menelik II defeated over 20,000 well-armed Italian colonial forces at the battle of Adwa.

Ethiopia’s victory over Italy kept Ethiopia the only independent and uncolonized African country.