UN Commends Ethio-Kenyan Cross-border Dev’t Projects

 The United Nations lauded cross border development programs being conducted in the border areas between Ethiopia and Kenya.

The UN noted that the development programs underway between the border areas of the two countries sets a good example for countries of the rest of Africa, a press release from Ethiopian Embassy in Kenya indicated.

Speaking on the opening session of an international conference on the impending dangers of terrorism and extremism held in Nairobi from June 10-11, UN Secretary General, António Guterres said such development projects are instrumental in rolling back conflicts that usually flare up in the border areas between the two countries.

Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Kenya, Melese Alem, said that the cross border projects started four years back and has helped to markedly reduce the incidence of conflicts in the border areas between the two countries.

He added that it is impossible to curb terrorism and extremism single handed.

Ambassador Alem stressed that reducing poverty, stopping stigma and discrimination and promoting education are key areas in which countries can cooperate.

Delegates drawn from 100 countries have participated in the Nairobi’s conference to deliberate on the looming menace of terrorism and extremism.