Amhara region council endorses Temesegen Tiruneh as president

The Amhara region council, which kicked off its 13th regular session in Bahir-Dar today has endorsed Temesgen Tiruneh as new regional Chief.

The session, which was started with a minute of silence for fallen members including region’s president Ambachew Mekonnen (PhD) in a killing the government said, was a coup attempt that was foiled.

Born in East Gojjam zone of the Amhara region, Temesgen has served as leader in the region and in the federal level.

Ministry of Defense, Information Network and Security Agency, and Prime Minister Office are federal institutions he worked with, while Amhara Road Authority and East Gojjam zone were regional office he served.

Picked by Yohannes Buayalew of Amhara Democratic Party (ADP), Temesgen is urged to give wise leadership so that the Amhara people will lead forward over the problems they have faced.