Ethiopia says committed to mediation efforts in Sudan’s peace process

The Ethiopian government on Sunday reiterated its resolve to continue mediation efforts as Sudan's military council and opposition alliance agreed on the constitutional declaration.

"Ethiopia's mediation was important since the country has been accepted by all forces in Sudan politics to reach this political agreement," Ethiopia's state-news agency ENA quoted Nebiat Getachew, Spokesperson of the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as saying on Sunday.

"Since the beginning of the political crisis in Sudan, Ethiopia has been closely following the situation and was immediately on the ground to support the restoration of peace in the country, in which the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's proposal was accepted by the military and the opposition on June 7," Getachew added.

Getachew, who noted Ethiopia's "pivotal role" in the process towards bringing the political declaration for transition, said that "Ethiopia's proposal of arbitration was different and prioritized Sudanese sovereignty and the interest of Sudanese people."

"That is why the efforts brought fruitful results," the spokesperson stressed, as he described Ethiopia's efforts to have received positive acceptance from the Sudanese people as well as peace negotiators from both sides.

Noting that issues in the peace deal have now transformed into the next episode that would enable it to ensure lasting peace and security in the African country, Getachew also stressed that "we all wish Sudan's problem would be solved and the country will enter into stability."

"Ethiopia's support for inclusive talks between the parties will continue as Sudan is a critical partner, neighbor and sister country," the spokesperson stressed.

Getachew's comments regarding Ethiopia's continued resolve to strengthen its peace mediation efforts came as Sudan's opposition Freedom and Change Alliance and the Transitional Military Council (TMC) reached a full agreement on a constitutional declaration, ushering in a new period for the transitional government.

The "full agreement" between Sudan's military council and opposition alliance on a constitutional declaration was confirmed by the African Union (AU) Envoy to Sudan, Mohamed Hacen Lebatt, while addressing a press conference in Sudan's capital Khartoum on Saturday.

"I'm very pleased to announce for the Sudanese, national, international and African public opinion that the two delegations have fully agreed on the constitutional document," Lebatt said.

The constitutional declaration mainly stipulated the powers of the sovereignty council, the prime minister and the legislative council during the transitional period.

It also addresses affiliation of the security and military bodies as well as the commissions of elections, border and peace.

The Ethiopian government's positive role towards bringing the disputing Sudanese parties to an agreement has been also recently commended by Sudan.

Last week, the Governor of Sudan's Blue Nile State, Major General Ahmed Abdurahim, who noted the ongoing peace process in Sudan as an "essential imperative" to the country's future, commended Ethiopia's effort towards resolving the political differences among Sudanese political parties.

Abdurahim, in particular, commended Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for his "efforts to resolve the challenges Sudan has been facing."

"Though separated by artificial boundaries, Ethiopia and Sudan are tied together in marriage and culture over the years," Abdurahim said during a consultative meeting that brought together senior officials from Ethiopia's western Benishangul-Gumuz regional state and the Blue Nile State of Sudan in Ethiopia's Assosa city.