Premier stresses on Women Leaders’ role for Political, Social Change

The Ethiopian Women Ministerial Leadership Forum which was held for the past two days concluded yesterday.

The role of women as leaders in political and social change in Ethiopia was the theme of the training led by the Harvard Ministerial Leadership Program and facilitated by Professor Senait Fisseha.

Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde, Former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirlef and Executive Director of UN Women, Phumzile Mlambo, also attended the event.

Following the completion of the forum, participants of the Forum met with Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed.

Citing the importance of women leaders in driving political and social change, the Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to women’s leadership advocates like Professor Senait, according to office of the Prime Minister

He also recognized and awarded Professor Senait for her continued support to Ethiopia, particularly in the health sector.

At the end, participants of the Forum, together with the Prime Minister planted seedlings in the compound of the Prime Minister office for a Green Legacy. (FBC)