Tigray shows up for national plantation scheme

Led by Debretsion Gebremichael, deputy president of the Tigary regional state, Tigary showed up today to plant seedlings in Enderta district, which part of the national plantation scheme initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.
Residents and officials showed planting seedlings in mountainous part of the district.

Until the time this news published, 27 million seedlings across the nation, EBC quoted Water, Irrigation and Energy Minister, Sileshi Bekele as saying.

Oromia region is leading by planting 14 million while Debebu region slipped second by 7 million seedlings.

Similarly, people in Afar region also showed up to plant seedlings in Semera and its surroundings.

Meanwhile, members of the Nation Defense Forces planted in Holeta and many others area near by their camps.