Ethio Telecom bags 16.7 bln birr in half a year

Ethio telecom announced that it has earned 16.71 billion birr in the first half of this Ethiopian fiscal year (July-December 2018), achieving 80 percent of the target.

According to a statement issued by the Company, its target was to get 20.86 billion birr.

Mobile revenue share accounted for 63%, data and internet 28.7% and followed by international business 5.5%.

The statement stated earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization registered for the period is 11.8 billion birr which is 91% of the targeted 13 billion birr.

During the period 4 billion birr tax and 3 birr dividend payment is effected to the government.

Total customer base has reached 41.1 million which is 91.5% achievement from the targeted 44.91 million, while mobile voice subscribers are 39.54 million, data and internet (data & internet only) 426,000 and fixed services 1.14 million. Data and internet users are 19.49 million.

Telecom density has reached 43%, the statement added.