There is no forceful Displacement in Ethiopia!

The multinational federal system has answered the question of identity and economic beneficiary by the peoples which were neglected by the previous regimes. The activity of sustaining unity which is based on equality and tolerance and building political, economic society is growing alarmingly. The federal system has also allowed the direct participation of nations, nationalities and peoples to lead themselves in a decentralized administration.     
With this, the political, economic and social beneficiary of the people had improved. They are also contributing to the development of the country by prospering their localities. There are facts that are evidences for showing that regions are equally benefiting.  In order to create conducive environment for the equitable and justified share of regions, the developmental state has also ratified clear economic laws, policies and strategies of development that the people can use according to their realities. In an attempt to accomplish this, the government had been developing paths to show for the people by taking the best experiences and spreading to the whole society. 
By looking on the previous experiences, the obstacles for policies and strategies of economic development have been revisited and corrected. The participation of the nations, nationalities and peoples over these issues is being enhanced and secured. For the last 13 years, regions had been contributing a lot for the registered double digits economic growth by preparing their economic development and good governance s strategies both in rural and urban areas, and by making their people the major actors in the process.  
The federal government is building roads connecting regions and fast telecommunication services on among regions. In addition, a dominant political economic society is being established by accelerating electric power supply, Air transport service, empowering the integration of market in the country and abroad. 
The Second 5 year growth and transformation plan is designed to work in a way that enhances the participation and beneficiary of the nations, nationalities and peoples in Ethiopia. The interactions among the different regions in Ethiopia for exchanging experiences is playing crucial role for their equitable and just share in economic development. There would be no reason that the county wouldn’t join the level of Middle income countries in short time if it solved the obstacles of development and take good experiences to precede the process. 
Here it’s appropriate to look the level of capacity building in regions that need special assistance. Unfortunately these emerging regions are found in the peripheries of the country. These were places where there were no attempt to improve on human power, social and economic development and infrastructures. These were places which the human conditions; spread of poverty and backwardness were severe and worse than in the country.
At this time, as it is clearly ratified by the constitution the political rights of these people are respected.  With this they are able to administer themselves, improve  their localities and keep the security of their people, and make them beneficiaries of the development, democracy and good governance. 
One can clearly see that social and economic institution and infrastructures are being built in an alarming rate in these regions. They are also continuously empowering their human power by learning in Federal Higher Learning Institutions and are improving their administration capabilities. 
These areas are currently peaceful more than anytime and the development of infrastructure is growing fast. Conducive environments are being created for the productivity and market relations of these regions. 
With the local and external capital investment that is flowing, these regions, are moving in the path of development and economic growth. This has created opportunities for technological innovation, employment opportunities, and additional income for people around them. Besides the development efforts by the regional government and the people; a special assistance Board was established by the federal government. 
Here, it is appropriate to mention about voluntary settlement that is going on these regions. In the first place, the main intention of the settlement is to help citizens benefit from the development and growth of their country. It is to help them be a part of good governance and building of democratic system. 
Additionally, the program is designed to protect the good governance, democratic and right to development by individuals. In the context of democratic rights, it’s true that individuals cannot possibly struggle in unorganized way and to voice their interests in such scattered manner. 
Therefore, this program helps them to live organize way out of that scattered lifestyle. This helps them to contribute their own parts for keeping their rights and discuss with government structures and solve their problems. 
The program also makes the delivery of social, economic and infrastructure services easy. The results of the program show that, it contributed for examining food security of citizens. The program also has a goal of saving citizens out of the dangers of global climate change. 
Based on this goal, it has become possible to voluntarily settle people in Somalia, Gambela and Benishangul Gumuz regions. The activity of settlement program considers the democratic principle and was done with fullest voluntary of citizens and by firstly studying whether or not appropriate land (both for farming and grazing), enough supply of water is available.  Besides, the activity of creating awareness of the people to avoid aid seeking mentality and to directly go to production was done.
In addition, social infrastructural institution had been built. This settlement program secures the beneficiary of peoples in the development, good governance and democratic system and their participation. It is believed that the program will change the life style and standard of their life in a in a short period of time. 
However, those institutions who don’t want to see the success of the plan (especially those who claim being human rights institutions) have been trying to be obstacles on the program-though their wishes weren’t successful. These institutions want that poverty and backwardness becomes our overall manifestations throughout our lives, and wants to make us to be their tourism destination and centers for their poverty and researches, to the end of our life. 
They sometimes claim the program is done “forcefully and by displacing citizens for investment purposes” and other time they take the side of environment protection and talk as if there is threat on wild animals. This program is rather, what citizens do it by their willingness. It is not forceful displacement; it is rather an opportunity that they would be given a fertile land, with rich underground water. There is one thing they should understand. The thing is that they can't be the first to be concerned for the people who are resettled above the government. The Settlement is carried out by discussing with the people. Therefore, it must be known that there is no forceful displacement in Ethiopia without the knowledge and full participation of the people.