Addis Ababa Stationed Military Attachés Visit GERD

Addis Ababa, November 10, 2023 (Addis Walta) Military attachés stationed in Addis Ababa visited the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Including Ethiopian National Defence Force Foreign Relations and Cooperation Directorate Director Major General Teshome Gemechu and 47 military attachés of different countries and representatives of international institutions visited the dam.

During the visit, Major General Teshome Gemechu stated that the GERD is a mega project that will help to link the region with development.

The visit aims to create awareness among the military attachés and representatives of different international institutions of the significance of the dam in creating regional development cooperation and links.

The event is also prepared to let the visitors understand the reality in person that the dam will not cause significant harm to the downstream countries, according to ENA.