Ambassador Mesganu Arga meets with Austrian Ambassador in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, June 13, 2024(Addis Walta) State Minister Ambassador Mesganu Arga met with Simone Knapp, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Ethiopia. They discussed bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Austria.

Ambassador Mesganu expressed hope that the long-standing relations between the two countries would be further strengthened through various engagements, particularly in the economic sector.

The Austrian Ambassador discussed the activities of some Austrian companies in Ethiopia, as well as the ongoing plans to send an Austrian business delegation to Ethiopia in October.

The two sides noted the importance of sharing experience between Austria’s strong medium-scale businesses and their Ethiopian counterparts.

Additionally, they discussed efforts to build the capacity of Ethiopians involved in the mining sector by linking higher institutions and the Ministry of Mines of Ethiopia with relevant bodies in Austria.