DPM, FM Demeke Mekonnen Meets UN Resident Coordinator in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, November 06, 2023 (Addis Walta) Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen, conferred with the UN Resident Coordinator in Ethiopia, Dr. Ramiz Alakbarov.

During their discussion, Demeke explained the achievements by the government following the signing of the Pretoria peace agreement and the subsequent measures carried out such as the establishment of the Tigray Interim Government, delisting of TPLF from the terrorist list, resuming federal budget to the region and other tasks.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister also highlighted the ongoing works on the Transitional Justice Mechanism and the All-Inclusive National Dialogue the government is engaged in, according to MFA of Ethiopia.

Dr. Ramiz on his part said that UN Resident Coordinator’s office and the Ethiopian Government will cooperate on Humanitarian and development issues as partners and lauded the Pretoria Peace Agreement touching upon its anniversary