Iran Ready to Share Its Achievements with Ethiopia – Iran Amb

Addis Ababa, February 16, 2023 (Walta) – Iran Islamic Republic ambassador to Ethiopia, Samad Ali Lakizadeh, assured that Iran is ready to share its achievements with Ethiopia and other friendly countries of Africa.

Ambassador Samad Ali Lakizadeh, told WMCC that Ethiopia and Iran have been in a close and cordial relation for a long time.

The two countries have been working together in the field of education, health, security, industry, agriculture and culture since they established a diplomatic relations in 1950s.

The Ambassador said that despite the economic sanction and pressure by the west, the country mad lots of progresses not only in basic areas but also in a very sophisticated areas such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, cyber science, nuclear science, space science and others.

Ethiopia and other African countries can learn an important lesson from its accumulated experiences Iran gained in the last forty years.

The ambassador assured that Iran is ready to share its achievements with Ethiopia and other African countries without any precondition.

Explaining Iran’s participation in a multilateral platforms and South-South Cooperation, Ambassador Lakizadeh said that Iran strongly believes in multilateralism as Ethiopia.

The two countries have been supporting each other’s candidacy in bid to international posts in the last two and half years.

Iran has observer status in African Union.

By Tewodros Sahile